
Burkina Faso Confronts Insecticide Resistance

When the insecticides are no longer capable of killing mosquitoes, decision-makers should move on to the next most effective tool, PBO-LLINs.


Ensuring a Reliable LLIN Supply Chain in the Time of COVID-19

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Vestergaard has been working to secure a reliable supply chain for LLINs.


As we battle COVID-19, remain vigilant against malaria

The COVID-19 pandemic is raging across the globe. But we cannot ignore the fight against malaria that existed long before COVID-19.


Data-driven Engagement to Stop Malaria

Real-time, accurate information is desperately needed in the fight to end malaria. By connecting directly with users, Vestergaard is gathering precise details about net usage, as well as critical insights into PermaNet®.


Malaria can and must be stopped

Malaria is both preventable and treatable. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on the production & distribution of preventative tools, such as long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs).


Rising to the Challenge of Malaria Elimination Through R&D

The Vestergaard-Noguchi Memorial Institute of Medical Research (NMIMR) Vector Labs at the University of Ghana was created as a way to malaria elimination through R&D.


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