
Why Outstanding Customer Service Saves Lives

While on-time delivery, quality products, and responsive customer service are crucial in any industry, their significance in public health commodities is profound.

Scientist in lab in Africa

Calling Researchers from African Institutes:

Empowering African innovators in vector control.

Family under a mosquito net in Uganda

Ensuring Proper Use and Disposal of Bed Nets for Maximum Impact

Alexis Kamdjou, Vestergaard’s Regional Head of Public Health Francophone Africa and Olivia Ngou, Executive Director and Founder of Impact Santé Afrique address the challenges and solutions to bed net use and disposal.

A roll of fabric being held by some gloved hands

Vestergaard’s Commitment to Sustainable Development and Climate Action

How can we address climate change and health through sustainable innovations in malaria prevention?

Women in South Sudan in line to fetch water

PermaNet® Dumuria: Addressing Malaria Challenges Among Nomadic Populations

Nomadic populations remain a vulnerable group disproportionately affected by malaria and other vector borne diseases. Vestergaard is partnering with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to address the urgent need for tailored and effective malaria interventions by providing 10,000 PermaNet® Dumuria nets for nomadic populations in South Sudan. Nomadic Populations Face Disproportionate Vulnerability to Malaria Nomadic populations […]

Nomads wandering a desert in Sudan

Interview with Corey LeClair, Vector-Borne Disease Control Referent at MSF

Corey LeClair, MSF’s vector-borne disease control referent, discusses Vestergaard’s partnership to combat malaria among nomadic populations.


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