
PBO is not enough: why concentration and controlled release matter

PBO LLINs already hold a cornerstone position in the young history of the High Burden High Impact strategy. However, not all PBO nets are the same, as they vary in the amount of PBO contained and in their formulation.


Towards a circular economy in the LLIN industry

We are proud to announce the production of the industry-first bednets made from 100% recycled and upcycled polyester.


Confronting the challenge of 2020 and setting a course for the future

CEO Michael Joos shares upcoming projects that will utilise technology and sustainable solutions to confront some of the greatest global health challenges.


Benin – a Leader in Tackling Malaria During COVID-19

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, LLINs were often distributed at mass gatherings. To keep its citizens safe from the coronavirus & malaria, Benin implements a novel “no-touch” door-to-door distribution method.


Burkina Faso Confronts Insecticide Resistance

When the insecticides are no longer capable of killing mosquitoes, decision-makers should move on to the next most effective tool, PBO-LLINs.


Ensuring a Reliable LLIN Supply Chain in the Time of COVID-19

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Vestergaard has been working to secure a reliable supply chain for LLINs.


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