
Data-driven Engagement to Stop Malaria

Real-time, accurate information is desperately needed in the fight to end malaria. By connecting directly with users, Vestergaard is gathering precise details about net usage, as well as critical insights into PermaNet®.


Malaria can and must be stopped

Malaria is both preventable and treatable. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on the production & distribution of preventative tools, such as long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs).


What You Need to Know About Microplastics

LifeStraw filters have a maximum pore size of 0.2 microns—meaning they can filter contaminants of that size and greater.


A PSA on PFAS: How can you filter them from your drinking water?

What does a microwave popcorn bag, a nonstick pan and nail polish all have in common? These products frequently contain chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, that are severely threatening public health and water sources around the world.


Rising to the Challenge of Malaria Elimination Through R&D

The Vestergaard-Noguchi Memorial Institute of Medical Research (NMIMR) Vector Labs at the University of Ghana was created as a way to malaria elimination through R&D.


The Worldwide Threat of Substandard Nets

The lack of clear quality standards for LLINs threatens the rate of progress to eliminate malaria.


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