
Malaria experts in Burkina Faso and DRC on the deployment of PBO LLINs

Malaria experts weigh in on the introduction of new generation long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), focusing on the conditions for deployment of PBO LLINs.


The value of regulatory approval processes for LLINs

A robust regulatory approval system for LLINs can play a role in monitoring products’ safety, efficacy and quality in real-life conditions of use and in generating data that can inform national malaria control programmes.


Multisectoral collaboration in the fight against malaria

If you are one of the over 3 billion people at risk for malaria worldwide, then the very structure of your house can impact the odds that you will get malaria. What is required to change these odds?


Health Workers: The First Line of Defense Against Malaria in Uganda

Knowing the risks of COVID-19, Uganda’s front-line health workers have adapted their work to continue protecting people from malaria, the pandemic, and other diseases.


PBO is not enough: why concentration and controlled release matter

PBO LLINs already hold a cornerstone position in the young history of the High Burden High Impact strategy. However, not all PBO nets are the same, as they vary in the amount of PBO contained and in their formulation.


Maintain & increase your commitment – we must unite to fight

Olivia Ngou is Co-Founder and Global Coordinator for the Civil Society for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME). We all have a critical role to play in the fight against malaria.


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