Report a concern

We encourage our employees and third parties to report compliance concerns

Vestergaard’s employees, as well as any third party, are encouraged to speak up and report compliance concerns that they observe or learn of.

Vestergaard treats all the information reported confidentially to the extent possible and does not allow retaliation against an employee or a third party who reports in good-faith a compliance concern.

Compliance concerns can be reported through the internal channels (for employees) or via the dedicated whistleblower hotline (for employees and third parties). The hotline allows individuals to report compliance concerns anonymously to ensure confidentiality and protect the whistleblower.

The Vestergaard third-party whistleblower system is operated by the external services provider called Fulcrum, and may be contacted through the following means:

  • A hotline at +1 213-596-1916 answered from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Pacific time by professional personnel. Outside these hours by an automated voice mail system.
  • A web-based form located at
  • E-mail sent to
  • Fax sent to Fulcrum Inquiry, whistle-blower department, at +1 213-891-1300.
  • Correspondence by U.S. mail to Fulcrum Financial Inquiry LLP, 707 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2050 Los Angeles, CA 90017


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