A circular economy for the LLIN industry

Maintaining quality and reducing environmental harm

As an industry, we distribute over 100,000 tons of plastic polymer-based long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) worldwide each year. Disposing of these nets at the end of their life cycle presents an environmental challenge.

Another issue with polymers is their constantly oscillating raw material costs, which pressures donor organisations’ budgets.

Recycling can be done cost-effectively and can help keep the costs of raw materials stable.

With this in mind, we have validated the technology that enabled us to test the feasibility of a bed net made from 100% recycled and upcycled polyester.

Achieving global goals

The climate crisis and Social Development Goal 12 demands an urgent and comprehensive approach to protecting fragile ecosystems and vulnerable populations susceptible to the negative effects of global warming. These can include an increase in life-threatening diseases.

A responsible LLIN Industry

Manufacturers are responsible for the product design, responsible disposal and recycling of bednets to ensure minimal harm to the environment.

Beyond the immediate future

Protecting our environment and mitigating the damage caused by climate change will lead to greater prosperity for our future generations.


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